A college recommendation letter is a small token of gratitude on behalf of those who issue it to you. Still, for a prospective college student, it means the world, and it can mean the difference between getting accepted into your dream college or Uni or not. This formal endorsement is short in the form but should contain all the relevant data you may need to go a few extra steps closer to getting accepted into that college you’ve dreamt of.
The problem arises when the teacher issuing the college recommendation letter does not speak the language of the country you are applying to. Although it is possible to work your way around this common issue, it can pose a significant headache for anybody who may need it. Luckily, there are ways to solve the issue.
College Recommendation Letter Translation by the Faculty
The best way to go about translating your letter of recommendation is to make sure the teacher can issue that same letter in your target language. The teacher should know you well, needless to say. You may be frank and open about it and say that you would like to study abroad. Many teachers will go out of their way to give you what you need. The plus side is that most Universities and colleges will gladly accept a letter of recommendation in English, even though they may be coming from a non-English country.
Furthermore, if your high-school teacher issuing the letter does not speak English, they can work with their English-speaking colleagues to issue the same letter. Again, asking goes a long way and saves time and nerves in the long run.
Professional Translation of a College Recommendation Letter
However, the most professional way to approach translating your letter of recommendation is to hire a professional to do it. There are certified online translation services that can translate any document for you. Like sworn translators, certified services have to pass a certain standard requirement to be able even to put certified in their name, let alone to issue a document with a stamp on it.
If you decide to hire professionals to work with you, make sure that the original letter of recommendation is attached to the translation. This is a necessary legal step in many countries, as simply sending the translated form of your college recommendation letter is not enough. You MUST present the original or a photocopy of the same document with the translation for legal purposes.
Recommendation Letter Obligatory Elements
A proper piece of translation should include all the obligatory and necessary elements of a college recommendation letter:
- The Date the letter was issued on,
- The recipient’s name,
- Recipient’s title,
- The Signer’s Name,
- The Signer’s Title,
- The Name of College the Letter is to be Taken to,
- The Name of the School Issuing the College Recommendation Letter,
- The Addresses of both Institutions,
- Proper Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.
Recommendation Letter Translation Pitfalls
When translating such pieces of writing, make sure to pay attention to the formats that are used in the letter. The USA, for example, uses a different date format to the rest of the world, so being able to detect these problematic elements can significantly speed up the process and save you headaches. Some specialized translation tools can help you with these nuances. Make sure you know what you’re doing and use them at your discretion. A letter of recommendation is a thing not to joke about.
Should You Translate Your College Recommendation Letter?
There are some more things to consider when translating a college recommendation letter. If you translate your letter of recommendation, the odds are that it or parts of it will not be paid particular attention to. College letters of recommendation are supposed to be confidential, and you are not supposed to see what is written in them.
Recommendation Letter Problems
Problems that may arise when translating your college recommendation letter by yourself:
- Breach of confidentiality,
- Conflict of interest interfering with your college application process,
- Breach of the recipient college regulations.
In all these cases, there are certain risks that you have to be aware of when intending to translate your college recommendation. They may result in application rejection or even in taking away a few points from your application status. In any case, turning to professionals to do this translation for you is the way to go, as a few extra bucks spent can result in application acceptance.
Final Considerations
College application is a bothersome process that has a specific form and steps that should all be followed. Being able to implement these steps successfully can guarantee higher chances of being accepted into your dream college. College recommendation letter translation is one of the more vital steps in the entire process, so being able to do it properly can increase your chances of getting accepted into college.