The wind dries up the soil and is harmful to plants on hot summer days. If there is no rain for a very long time, and there is no watering, they can dry out.
In autumn, winter, especially if there’s no snow, the wind is dangerous for young, diseased plants and those that are conventionally suitable for your climatic zone.
Strong winds are dangerous for trees with shallow root systems and young plantings. Hurricane gusts can pull the plant out of the soil, and bring it back to life, in this case it will be almost impossible.
If the root system goes deep into the soil, there is a danger of breaking branches and even the trunk.
Some trees have a flexible trunk and are able to bend under the pressure of the wind, returning to their original state after a hurricane, while owners of more fragile wood break in gusts.
Not only the large inhabitants of the garden suffer from the wind, flowers, and shrubs planted in drafts die or grow weak and poorly show their decorative qualities.
Therefore, if your site is located in a blown zone, you will need to protect plants from the wind.
Our Tree Service experts in Stockton CA, recommends the following steps as prevention measures.
Don’t wait for bad weather to set in to start protecting your exteriors. Prevention can save you a lot of damage and costly repairs.
- Prune your trees to avoid falling branches, paying close attention to older, more unstable trees and branches too close to your home.
- Locate the risky areas on your exterior (areas conducive to water accumulation, soil subsidence, etc.) in order to take the appropriate measures in advance and contact professionals if necessary.
- An improperly screwed nut can cause a lot of damage, so be careful to secure your pergolas or swings and other installations that use screws.
How Do You Protect Small Trees From Hurricanes?
1. Support Your Plants
To provide plants with crucial support in windy areas, stake them. The tutor sets up in the planting hole, very deep and facing the prevailing wind.
We opt for rubber ties so as not to injure the trunk of the tree.
In addition, some plants composed of heavy flowers (peonies, dahlias) needs to be surrounded by stakes to be kept between them.
2. Make Good Bindings
When you install a fence, always make sure to firmly fix the feet in the ground, using specialized iron clogs or concrete studs.
Thus, when there will be strong winds, the risk of seeing the fence torn off will be less.
3. Install Windbreaks
Plant the small trees close to the big ones. Thus, they will filter the wind without blocking it and reduce its effect. Unlike a wall, no zone of turbulence is created at their feet.
4. Raise the Stews
If a strong wind is forecast, plan ahead and raise the pots to the ground and along a wall so that they have less wind resistance.
5. Add Windbreaks
In order to face the wind, you can attach a windbreak sheet that is at least 1 m high. Plant it at an angle facing the wind. Thus, the plants will not be abused.