
How to Determine When it’s Time to Repair Your Exterior Stucco Finish

Stucco is perhaps one of the most attractive, energy efficient, and green products you can utilize as an exterior finish to your home and/or commercial property. Made from lime, sand, and cement, stucco can also be combined with thick insulation panels to create a super energy barrier commonly referred to as an Exterior Insulation Finishing System, or EIFS. One of the...

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Is Aloe Vera Toxic to Pets?

Dogs or indoor cats, particularly the ones who spend a lot of time in closed rooms, can quickly get bored and begin to nibble on plants or play with leaves. Animals that are outdoors or have a lot of free-roaming are usually not interested in garden plants, as they are offered a larger variety of distractions. Even birds...

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High Bay Lights to Reduce the Lighting Costs of Your Business

As a business owner, your first concern is your business setup's efficiency, which is directly linked with the lighting system in your industry, workshop, warehouse, manufacturing/processing plant, etc. Lighting is essential. It enhances your business by bringing in invoices, ease to the workers and lets you set up the theme of your workplace according to your feasibility. High...

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